Monday 15 October 2018

Mobile programming: What tool and language to choose

In almost any programming field you choose, today you have an infinite number of   tools, languages and environments that you can choose from. All that tangles of options make it, at times, very difficult to opt for one option or another. Android mobile application development services are used for development of mobile application.

In the world of mobile and tablet development, the same thing happens. Currently you have many options if you want to devote to this area, and specifically you must choose between:
The native languages and tools of each platform: Objective / Swift and Code in iOS, Java and Android Studio in Android, C #, XAML and Visual Studio in the case of Windows Phone and Windows 8

Multiplatform tools based on HTML. The best known is Phone Gap / Apache Cordova, but there are many more.

Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages, so which one should you choose?

Native Development

It is clear that, whenever you can, native development is the best option. The problem is that each platform is a world. Each of them uses a different programming language, own tools and particular programming paradigms. In return you get maximum flexibility, full adaptation to the environment in which the application is running and maximum performance.

The main disadvantage is that you have to master many languages and that the development time is multiplied, because it is necessary to create from scratch three different version of the similar request (single for every stage).

As a general rule, programmers specialize in mobile game application development and choose a single platform, so that they can give their best in it.

For example, if you decide to specialize in IOS mobile application development and thus program for the popular iPhone and iPad platform, then you must learn to program with Objective-C or Swift and use the XCode environment, also buying a Mac computer.

Cross-platform development compiled to native

A compromise option is to use a mixed development platform that makes the development of the native language of each mobile platform independent.

With this type of tools a single language is used and applications are created for all platforms, however, adapting some issues to be able to work in each case. The good thing is that it allows you to know a single language, reuse a large part of the code among all of them, and generate native applications for all mobile environments.

For more information about Android mobile application development services, mobile game application development, IOS mobile application development, Android apps, Android mobile app development, please visit the - Illusion Groups.

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